I recently qualified as a certified GAPS coach, but for 37 years our farm in Nannup has been increasing diversity in the plant, animal and fungal worlds whilst continuously building living soil. We believe health is Mother Nature’s laws obeyed and we champion a healthy environment, freedom and a healthy democracy. We grow organic, raw, fermented probiotics, pasture fed meats, charcuterie , eggs, fruit, nuts, herbs and honey. We can not only coach those who seek health by restoring beneficial gut microbes ( the seat of health and immunity) , but can provide the quality raw materials to rebuild amazing, resilient and self healing bodies. We are particularly grateful to Dr Natasha Campbell McBride for her knowledge of not only allopathic medicine ( it’s benefits and harms) but also her deep respect for pure science, the human body and Mother Nature. Her knowledge of traditional Russian wisdom and her uncanny ability to pass all this on is truly amazing as any of her many talks on You Tube attest. As her AWE STRUCK student, I feel capable of guiding people to reach true wellness. I believe the GAPS protocol can help every person and every family, as it is just getting back to old fashioned meat and vegetables cooked at home from quality organic produce, and is all about restoring a healthy gut microbiome. There are many other time honored healing practices involved too, like sunbathing, juicing , salt baths and sauna. I would like to encourage you to make contact if you would like to set off on the path to regenerating your health! Interestingly it takes 2 to 5 years to transform dust into wonderful soil, and it can take that long to build back a person’s health, but oh what a wonderful transformation awaits.
To those who decry a lack of “gardening” on this page, I say this: At this point in history where a tyrannical government is stealing our freedom and basic human rights, one can only hope that the living soil, wherever it has been nurtured, has created people who have brains to think with, eyes to see with and hearts to care with, because new leaders are needed. Permaculture ethics are: care of people and care of the Earth. My page is ALL about permaculture. As Bill Mollison conveyed, we cannot just run away to the bush and live in a mud hut…. the forests will still get cut down, the child labour will continue, the plastic will pile up, the planet and all who live here will continue to be poisoned by Big Pharma and Food Inc. We have to get involved in politics. As a permaculture pioneer I am grateful to Bill and David Holmgren who were/ are obviously sons of the living soil.