Merri Bee Organic Farmacy Spring School Holiday Tour

Join a guided tour focussed on kid-friendly fun! See gardens, ponds, bee hives, mature food forests and the giant worm farm that supports this Permaculture on the banks of the Blackwood River. Meet dogs Alby & Matilda, Jersey cows and pigs ( including 7 cheeky piglets) and see alpacas, geese and ducks….currently grazing down the asparagus patch. Hold a chick or chook and pick a lemonade from a tree! Learn how green plants in wild or organic gardens support the microbes which lead to healthy soil and a safe climate. See these creatures under the microscope! After our adventure you may wish to stock up on organic produce including non- hybrid heritage seeds, permaculture honey, etc.
Bring sturdy shoes and a water bottle….we have cloud juice for refill.
Times: Stew and Bee will welcome you at 10.30 am sharp. Tour goes for 2 hours every Sunday of school holidays : 27th of September, 4th and 11th of October. $30 per car.
Find Merri Bee Organic Farmacy, Nannup’s biggest little farm,on google maps.We’re at 48 Thomas Rd Nannup. Please park on road near yellow flag. See you then!
Upcoming courses
March 20 & 21 2021
Without biology, what we grow our crops in is just geology, weathered rock particles in various sizes. Dirt!
As growers we know our success hinges on the quality of our soil, and as growers we can learn to grow LIVING SOIL from LIFELESS DIRT.
For prosperity and ease, for your health, for bio diversity, for a safe climate…. you need SOIL, not dirt!
It is the number and diversity of ( carbon rich) aerobic organisms in soil that determines it’s functionality. Fertility, water holding capacity, tilth and drainage, propensity to grow weeds….all is determined by the biomass surrounding our rock particles. Soil grown plants are well fed and rarely succumb to frost, drought or insect attack.
We have transformed non- wetting desert to lush productive fields. We have transformed land that was water logged in winter and brick hard in summer, into well- drained year round productivity, by growing soil. We now grow raspberries where cactus required daily watering to survive.
We know the process from dirt to soil and want to guide anyone interested through it, step by step.
We are not recommending or selling any product, really all you need is knowledge. Powerful knowledge. Great results are guaranteed if you learn well and apply what you learn .
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy in Nannup has demonstrated that soil can be regenerated, and landscape function restored on a property within 3 years. There are less weeds and the grass is greener on the organic side of the fence!

So TIPPING POINT or TURNING POINT ? Join the growing number of biological farmers not only making a positive difference to climate but enjoying job satisfaction and becoming more profitable EVERY year!
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy , Nannup, W.A. We are on google maps!
Cost? $500 Car poolers discount available, please bring a friend !
The key to vibrant plants which resist drought, heat, frost, disease and pest attack lies quietly under mulch in an aerobic living soil. The smallest things on Earth may also be the most powerful. Reinstating the ancient partnership between soil microbes, plants and animals could be the only way to reverse pandemics of chronic disease and catastrophic climate change, yet soil’s beneficial microbes can be quickly destroyed by fertilizer, ploughs and pesticides. Conventional farm soils are inert & the food shaped- objects they grow contain a quarter of the nutrients our grandparents ate (plus untold poison residues). Conversely, soil “probiotics” create the rare aromatic flavours in real food responsible for health. Probiotics can be bred up in wormery’s and compost heaps. Organic farmer Bee made compost for 40 years but in 2014 learnt to make quality compost from Dr Elaine Ingham. Suddenly the farm is more profitable. People too are thriving as they eat nutrient dense foods covered in friendly bacteria, we will see them under the microscope. Quality compost can be brewed into a tea to inoculate large acreages with the whole soil food web.
Learn regeneration of the soil by many methods. See cell grazing in action, permaculture strategies, multi species cover crops, inspirational swales, hugekultures and food forests. Receive your 78 page manual when you register, and pre -read to get the most value from this weekend. Our gut lining is integral to health and functions a lot like the soil. Good soil takes the work out of gardening so you can grow the food that transforms lives. This astounding course takes place at a quiet time in the farming calendar, March. Couples and car poolers discounts available, $50 back in your hand!
To register please telephone us on 97561408 or contact us on the contact form on this website.
Upon receipt of your payment we will email you the link to Bee’s book, Nourishing Soil, a text book full of golden advice from such luminaries as Dr Elaine Ingham, Allan Savory and the late founder of Permaculture, Bill Mollison
March 20 and 21, 2021