Expect results. In late march we made wicking beds out of 2 ex olive drums, filled them with a foot of good compost and planted them with tiny seedlings. 6 weeks later we were harvesting salads and beets.

Blessed with some rain in May after literally 7 months without a drop. 2 weeks later this was the growth looking towards the house from the west boundary fence. I turned 180 degrees , looking west over the fence , for context.

Here’s the crew on the same day in another location.

They’ve come though the drought quite well.

This was the same comparison a few years back.

November 2020 from the same location

And looking over the eastern boundary fence November 2020

And at our flat grazing block near the sea, in the same week.
So what are the 5 soil health principles?
- Never bare the soil. Keep the soil covered with living plants or mulch, all the time.
- Minimal disturbance ( to the soil cover )
- Livestock Integration in the operation .
- The more Diversity of Plants and Animals the better
- At least one green species all year round ( find a very drought tolerant plant and grow it. )
We will be running a workshop in August 2024. Please email merribeefarmacy@gmail.com to get on the invite list, or make contact through Bee Winfield on face book /messenger and register your interest.