Connect the dots: Signs of Global warming are being seen all over Earth
•Sea level rise
•Drying….Lakes have disappeared. Wells and springs drying
•Heat waves
•Cold snaps
•Tornadoes and cyclones
•Fires…intensity & frequency
•Snow seasons failing
•Glacial melt
In the South West of Western Australia a drying climate is leading to noticeable lower productivity. The sun is more intense leading (in our garden at least) sunburn on harvested onions and garlic, berries, capsicums etc. It is much hotter , dryer and more humid in the last 5 years. We’ve been here for nearly 29 years with our hands in the soil most days.
Soil erosion occurs when grass cover is sparse and rain events are so spread out….soil is lost when isolated rain events or wind dislodges dry uncovered soil. Deserts are growing globally. 75 billions of tons of topsoil are lost from the arable lands of Earth annually. In many places the old people now live in arid zones with little vegetation , but remember trees and their fruits and nuts of the district. However SWALES ( dead level ditches on contour ) slow and sink the water. They can green the desert and we must install them over vast areas. They harvest rain and make a deep wet zone where trees can establish .
Soil erosion occurs when grass cover is sparse and rain events are so spread out….soil is lost when isolated rain events or wind dislodges dry uncovered soil. Deserts are growing globally. 75 billions of tons of topsoil are lost from the arable lands of Earth annually. In many places the old people now live in arid zones with little vegetation , but remember trees and their fruits and nuts of the district. However SWALES ( dead level ditches on contour ) slow and sink the water. They can green the desert and we must install them over vast areas. They harvest rain and make a deep wet zone where trees can establish .
For Erosion control, Water harvesting, tree establishment.
OF course Trees are vital to a safe climate in the following ways:
For Erosion control, Water harvesting, tree establishment.
OF course Trees are vital to a safe climate in the following ways:
.•Carbon sequestration ….occurs when trees are actively growing .
• Shade, shelter, windbreak…
•Habitat and protection for birds, insects, mammals Such biodiversity is biological pest control. Plagues are reduced.
•Trees cycle water : transpiring moisture during the day and condensing moisture on their leaves at night. They also provide organic particles which seed clouds to make rain. Belts of trees on ridges are responsible for orographic rain due to the “lift” of the clouds up over them.. And more. Forty percent of rainfall is due to forests. Clear the forest and rainfall will reduce by 40 %. This effect will be fairly immediate. Though it takes much longer to put trees back they will increase precipitation dramatically once established. Obviously we need to get tough survivors of the tree world in the ground without delay in the current climate emergency.

This soil cover= carbon rich humus
formation= for every 1 % rise in carbon
level , a soil it will have 4 times more water-holding capacity!!
•Rehydration of the landscape
( fungi / root mass/above ground biomass, soil biota are all mostly water)
( fungi / root mass/above ground biomass, soil biota are all mostly water)
•Permanent Springs and Creeks flow once more
•Productivity through cash crops eg fruit /nuts/animal products (extra fodder) / timber sales

elevation on a contour map is 100 m above mean sea level. I.e. A swale is dead level . Water is simply held in the swale till it infiltrates the soil. This may take half an hour or a few days depending on soil type. It has no choice but to enter the soil . Photo at left is of 5 recently installed swales at Merri Bee Organic Farm. During isolated rain events 55 tonnes of water enter the landscape through these swales as opposed to running off to the Blackwood river and escaping to the sea. Instead of flood and drought scenarios, swales and attendant vegetation mean year round water in the environment. This is how Mother Earth likes it.
Unlike a swale, a DRAIN directs water and causes it to flow ( into a dam for instance)because it has a slight fall, usually 1 : 1000 ( eg. drops one meter of a distance of 1000 meters. ) You can see contour lines on Google maps . Type in an address, then choose the terrainoption when in map (not Satellite). Sometimes you have to zoom out or in to get terrain.
Here’s the swales 6 months later in September. Fabulous growth which will be mown down and to make mulch around the tiny trees we have planted. Really Cool. Cows will graze the 18 meter strip of grass between swales. An electric wire will keep them off the trees. Will have to move them daily but the soil improvement and their happiness will be worth it.