Sometimes when my stars for the week mean I will need to deal with criticism from many quarters and Im feeling like a failure, I turn to my testimonial page and just read some of the kind and generous words of gratitude we have received over the years ….

Thank you so much Bee and Stewart for an amazing day, extremely educational and extremely delicious!!
This was one of the best workshops I’ve ever done, the learning was immense. I was so excited I went foraging yesterday on Dad’s property, looking for fungi, which I’m pretty sure I found in the composting layer on the forest floors. I collected lots of samples from a variety of high biomass areas and I’m going to have a bash at using the samples to inoculate compost and soil at home….see if I can boost up the fungi levels!
Just wanted to let you know, we had the rump roast rubbed with fennel seeds last night and tonight, and it was some of the most delicious meat we have ever had. So moist with the fat, and so tasty. So nice to eat meat that I didn’t have to worry about – because I knew it had had the most perfect, happy life right till the end. Could just enjoy it for two reasons – firstly, it was perfect, so I didn’t feel bad that some animal died for an average tasting bit of food, secondly, because I knew she had a good life. Plus, lots of lard saved for future roast potatoes. Food of the gods (apart from mash of course). The main difference I noticed with your pork compared to ordinary pork, is that the fatty bits are nice to eat, not a flubbery, grainy, nasty jelly mess like from other producers. Loved it, let me know when you are raising more meat of any kind, and we will have some. S J
I come in a few times to the organic markets when i lived in Belmont for your lovely roast beef, best I’ve tasted. J.M.
The lamb chops were amazing. The fat on your animals tastes completely different than other meats, it is crispier if that makes sense (even better than other organic grass fed meats). I wonder what it is that does that? The raspberries were the best I ever had, so firm and tasted just like raspberries if you know what I mean? I loved the yoghurt, it tastes more sour but I like that (and so does James). The more sour/fermented it is the more lactobacilli and other bacteria there is. Also it has less lactose, which is better. You can really taste the difference between yours and other organic yoghurts (which are only done for 6-12 hours). The bread is really delicious too. RT
Hi Bee,
Thankyou so much to you and Stew for a fun, entertaining, informative and simply wonderful day. I learned so much and can’t wait to get started with putting into practice some of the things I learnt today. It sure is daunting suddenly having 10 acres to manage with no farming experience let alone permaculture or biodynamics! but i am very willing to learn and have a go to help give the best nutrition to my family and do the right thing by the environment. Thankyou so much for opening your lovely home to us and being so generous with your time and knowledge. I feel very lucky to have been able to come along and am so glad I met you guys before listening to everyone else telling me that I must “make roundup my friend”!
Hi Bee
I had a great time on the weekend, i was amazed at how quick you could feel at home in your home. For me it was great to meet you three in away that i felt you can live ge free and organicly and still fit in with society. Already have started my worm farm. Also has changed what i buy from the shops and working on the bigger plan. I even found myself looking up land in Nannup on sunday night.
I dont realy have much constructive critism, as it was great. …. Also i think the more hands on stuff on the farm it what i remenber the most and would encourage that side the most.
I enjoyed it a lot and would love to come again in the future.
In regards to the market, do you need to pre – order. What time does it start. Is there any chance you will have anymore of that berry compot, already finished it, yum. Were after yogurt, ice cream, bacon, avo and what size do the hams come in (i realy like the ham we had at lunch)
Regards b
thankyou so much for a truly wonderful stay.
i felt so nourished on every level.
it was a perfect mix….
just had your milk- best milk I have ever tasted in my life
Just did the course last weekend, it was absolutely brilliant! Such a beautiful farm with many happy animals.Organic farming has been a viable way of farming for thousands of years, things went wrong when scientists brainwash you into believing that food should come from a laboratory or a factory. Do the course and you’ll learn how to grow your own in a natural sustainable way! Michele
Thank you so much for a fabulous weekend – Gres and I both thoroughly enjoyed being part of your organic farm and family and taking away so much information with us. We are very keen to start with small projects; baking our own sour dough bread, starting a worm farm, investigating a water tank, being aware of GM foods and buying the non-GM alternative and only feeding the kids organic meats, fruits and vegies.
Dear Bee, a big thank you to you for having me in your very interesting Gourmet gardening weekend permaculture course. It’s such a prestigious experience to see how permaculture works on your farm..and all these wonderful films we got to see and amazing food we got to taste. I am so glad I came. I will try and source some ingredients to make my first sourdough. I look forward to receiving the recipe. Also could you tell me the name again of that herb growing in the patch upslope from your compost? Epi…ti.
Hi Bee and Stew .Thank you so much for such a great weekend! It was so informative and we look forward to implementing things in our garden! Will be in touch soon
Again thank you for a great weekend. Emmy
And from a couple of youths who want to go all organic but are struggling to afford it:
Its just that we know that your produce is the best in Australia, and at the most outrageously good value prices, and we not only want to eat your stuff but also support you in what you do as much as we can. We have been thinking of a trip down south soon, and we will definitely come say hi and help out when we do!
These emails were unsolicited and mean a lot to us . Honestly, if I had a dollar for very time we’ve heard people say or email ” Your eggs ( or meat, or fruit) is the best I have ever tasted by far” I would be a rich Merri Bee
This letter today I am very proud of. (Remember if you want a good speaker on GM I ‘ll be there in a flash):
Club B,
Silver Chain,
Peninsula Road,
Bridgetown 6255
Bee Winfield,
3 Thomas road,
Dear Bee,
Thank-you for giving your talk “Healthy Soil – Healthy Food –
Healthy people – Healthy Planet” to the members of Club B on Friday 26thJuly 2013.
What a wealth of information you gave us. It really was a fascinating
presentation and stimulated a lot of interest in the members. Some of the information you gave was totally new to many of us. It was obvious that you had done a great deal of research and we were grateful that you made the information available to us.
Thank-you for giving us the little ‘GE’ pamphlets on the foods so we will be able to do more careful food shopping from now on.
Thank-you for taking the time to come to Silver Chain to give this
excellent presentation to our members. It was very much appreciated.
Kind Regards,
E. W
On behalf of Silver Chain
and Club B Organising Committee.
On behalf of the Balingup Small Farm Field Day Committee, thank you for your time and contribution to the field day with your composting demonstration.
It is wonderful to have an experienced practitioner working with the stuff day in, day out, as you are on your Nannup farm.
You made it accessible and interesting to people, and your detailed knowledge on the topic was appreciated.
Thank you again for making the 2016 Field Day a memorable and successful event.
Kind regards,
Janine Milton
Coordinator BSFFD Committee