For the first time in about 7 years we are having a proper wet winter. Our Rainfall is double last years to this date. The soil everywhere on the farm is feeling like rich chocolate mud cake, and the plants are looking so happy, seeds are coming up easy, and life is altogether sweet. Is this Mother Nature reminding us of how easy it was to grow food before climate change?
Worms have bred up to very healthy populations in the soil which is properly wet for once. This is actually our worm farm. |
Chrissi helped us plant wheat in May. We mulched it with old hay. The ground was just starting to get wet for a few inches down |
Here’s the wheat 3 months later |
Hey piggies, you did an awesome job of ploughing and fertilizing, bless your curly tails. |
I ‘m not sure which is wheat and which is rye at this stage, but Im hopeful of a few loaves of bread at least. In farming Ive learnt not to get too hopeful, rats or ducks or weather may get it yet. But it is looking so good, so far. |