Ancestral Diet

Carnivore diet….another fad or the polar opposite of the vegan diet (with a myriad of benefits)? Ive been known to wield hoses around this place for so long that I get blisters on my palms, but there is one large place I never have to water, and that is the 1000 square meter  “humungus” garden. That’s…

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most talked about (and studied) vitamins on the planet.  Yet, despite all the scientific evidence, many people are confused about its benefits – thanks to many misleading “nutritional” articles. Vitamin C seems essential to prevent infectious disease and deal with stress and toxins. It…

Beef and Lamb

Buying Bee-utiful Beef in Bulk When you buy in bulk you save $ lots, and get the health benefits of “nose to tail” eating. We encourage customers to install photovoltaic solar panels and to run a chest freezer so your next great meal is only a few steps away. The cost of organic meat can…

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt ….Glyphosate is even worse than we thought

Dr Dietrich  Klinghardt  has  treated 50,000 patients in Germany and the United States. He is a trail blazer in the health word and Jeffery Smith introduced him as a “Demi -God” because at many health conferences the queues go out the door as people line up to hear the latest amazing therapies constantly being  unearthed…

Healing from GMOS and Round Up

I just purchased the recordings of Jeffery Smith’s Healing from GMOs and Round Up. The 20 presenters and Jeffery as always, were excellent! So leading edge!  As the time for purchasing the series has elapsed, thought I would record the highlights , so please read on and  share these facts widely. Larry Bohlen  is a rocket scientist, a NASA engineer…

Why Organic?

Recently a young lady in year 11  emailed asking for help with a school project.  I answered her written questions finally this morning, and here they are : What is the reason to go organic and what are the benefits? Aside from the having a safe living and working environment for my family, our animals…

Bio Char Bubble burst!

Well it is time someone  came out and said it: “Bloody bio char !”  There , I said it. Don’t like to quash enthusiasm, don’t like to offend friends who love the idea of bio char, but I don’t think much of bio char. It has never made sense to me to burn wood that…

Meet your Microbiome Workshop March 11th 2018

“Meet your Microbiome”    was a 7 hour workshop I attended on Sunday March 11th, by   Dr Jason Hawrelak.  The event was a sellout, with naturopaths, enlightened GP’s and no doubt many parents resolutely seeking help for their children with issues such as autism. The man really knows his stuff after a few decades of being…

Sweet potato movie

This new garden has not only survived a hot summer in exposed position with extended drought in Western Australia, but thrived way beyond expectations. Check out the big sweet potatoes and the Home Bio gas unit . We believe the plants are growing so well because of previous applications of fungal dominated compost tea to…