Worm farming, all you ever wanted to know and more.

There are 2 well researched,  scientific ways to produce safe and beneficial compost, and a worm farm is one….. Worms will only migrate away if they are not fed and watered. Neglect them and one rainy night they will up and leave.  The worm is a wonderful creature who wasn’t always appreciated till Charles Darwin pointed…

Of Worms and wheat reveling in the rain

For the first time in about 7 years we are having a proper wet winter. Our Rainfall is double last years to this date. The soil everywhere on the farm is feeling like rich chocolate mud cake, and the plants are looking so happy, seeds are coming up easy, and life is altogether sweet. Is…

Two workshops, a curry van, a speech and a market in one week….Whew!

An enthusiastic group of Southwest people participated in Bee Winfield’s workshops last weekend at Nannup’s Flower and Garden festival. The importance of growing our own fruit and veges organically was stressed, with slides of research showing the effects of pesticides on children’s cognitive development & the links between commonly used organo-phosphates in agriculture to ADHD and learning difficulties. They learnt how Round…

Time to Spring into action as Flowers and Gardens bloom !

We looked around yesterday and realized the weeds are on the move, the almond trees are blossoming , the banjo frogs are jamming down in the swamp and spring is springing. From now till Christmas we will be flat out in the vege garden seeding, weeding, mowing,  transplanting and mulching. I got my chilie ,…


Sometimes when my stars for the week mean I will need to deal with criticism from many quarters and Im feeling like a failure, I turn to my testimonial page and just read some of the  kind and generous words of gratitude we have received over the years …. Thank you so much Bee and…

Snack foods are made by burning down the Amazon rainforest.

Snacks of chips are burning down the lungs of the Earth. Forests are being burnt to make way for palm oil plantations . The oil goes in to snack foods.  Please sign the petition ( Link in blue)  If you are hankering for some chippies but dont want to support multinational food companies who wreak…

Western Australia’s Native Forest

Western Austrralia’s  plantation timber industry ( which we should all support ) is failing. It can’t compete with the bargain basement prices of our last remaining native hardwoods . Our government  sees votes in  “jobs for the boys” in sawmills. Outlandishly generous timber amounts were promised to millworkers  in my town of Nannup by Terry Redman…

SWALES: Water capture and storage, .Carbon Capture and Storage

Swalesare a water harvesting, food forest  establishment system which work for centuries passively building topsoil and holding water in the landscape which would otherwise run off into the sea. Swales have been proven to green the desert, manage salt, reverse land degradation and restore deserts to productive landscapes. Geoff Lawton’s  acclaimed video “Greening the Desert”…

Good Bug Bad Bug

                                                                                                       What bugs you in the garden? What can be done to save our precious plants from attack WITHOUT resorting to harmful chemicals?  Lots, actually! …            .  Hear interesting Organic pest control tactics with Bee Winfield from Merri Bee Organic Farm Bee says it’s all about  BALANCE ….and using our big…