Super Adobe ….for when you cant afford a tin roof over your head

Imagine building a cosy house  with huge thermal mass out of nothing much but some bags, some dirt and some barbwire. The tools of war in fact, turned to creative not destructive use. It looks gorgeous, blends in to the landscape, and  would be a super tent that no one would make you pull down….

BBQ’s Galore

Imagine owning a multi function BBQ  centre  with a pizza oven, barbeque plate, place to boil a kettle and a place to slow cook a pot of beans.   It  will burn only  a small bundle of stick wood to roast a huge chook, bake bread, fry chips , the lot. The wood will burn with…

Black Soldier Fly to the rescue

Black soldier flies  Hermetia illucens converts  waste to high protein chook or fish food.   Photos from Wikipedia . Thanks. The Black Soldier fly is an  example of biodiversity which can really help  humans disposing of smelly organic waste. Read on and be amazed! Here’s a fly whose  larvae will eat just about any thing…raw…

Allan Savory

Its all very well and possible and in fact great to improve the soil around your house with compost , but if you want to turn vast tracts of poor soil into productive soil with a higher level of carbon and therefore a great infiltration of water and a holding of that water like a…

Bobby Burns Worms

Hi All, I met this guy Robert Burns at Geoff Lawton’s place when I did my earthworks for water harvesting course. He was a woofa . I did notice his eyes were looking not quite at me when we talked. I now realise he is partially blind. I think his Ted X speech is one…

Dr Tom Chalko ….Mt Best Sustainablility

I’ve just spent a fascinating hour exploring the website of Dr Tom Chalko who holds a PhD in holographic light since 1979. Yes, he is a Brain, and he has put his considerable intelligence towards achieving sustainability. Highlights for me are his chest freezer to fridge conversion  and bubble wrap window insulation…. both are fantastic…

Bamboo is Beautiful !

Happy New Year !  If it isn’t The year of the Bamboo, it should be! See below. This week we have, for the visitor to the farm, the following produce : Apricots, lemons, radish, beans, strawberries, rhubarb, amaranth, silverbeet, basil, sweetcorn, turnips, carrots, parsnip, potatoes, garlic, onions, eggs, and many other fantastic nutritious food. Phone…

Welcome to Merri Bee Organic Farm!

The hillsides were all cleared when we came. We have put trees back on all steep hills . 29 years ago I was 25 and came with my then husband to a bare block in Nannup Western Australia. It was  very bare, covered in kikuyu grass but only  5 trees around the old house:  4…