Bread Day at Merri Bee Organic Farm March 16th 2013

A Living classroom, Merri Bee Organic Farm is 25 acres of Permaculture which has been developing for over 28 years . The intrepid visitor will find a broad array of tools and techniques for sustainable living. From native bushland restoration to sustainable forestry, broad acre cell grazing and food forestry, to intensive gardens and hand made homes, here is a place of genuine wealth, abundance and beauty.
Please join us ( Stew, Bee and Lee) for a very special sourdough bread class, commencing 9 am and finishing around 3.30  pm.
Everything provided including course notes, recipes and wonderful bread and starter culture to take home…..just bring your enthusiasm to learn how to create super-nutritious food from the land. Let’s face facts, what passes for bread these days contains only 12 cents worth of wheat, many chemicals and GM soy. It is no longer “the staff of life.”
 Learn about how real bread (and it’s life enhancing nutritional properties) is made from paddock to plate while we tour the farm. Get hands – on experience at threshing, winnowing, milling, kneading and baking in an environmentally safe rocket stove YOU can build at home. 
Cost  of this marvellously educational day is   $ 120.00 per person or $200 per couple or family.
For enquires and /or to reserve your spot please email  or phone Bee on 97561408

One Comment Add yours

  1. David son says:

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