Chicken soup day coming

 2014  Merri Bee Hen Harvest and Feast, Nannup

Really hands on, really valuable!!
The hen gives us eggs, which not unlike oxygen from trees, comprise the life breath of any homestead kitchen.  But that is not all she gives.
Join us at Merri Bee Organic Farm as we receive her ultimate gift.

 This class will equip you to:  make an educated guess as to when an old layer in your backyard is past her prime as an egg producer, to catch and kill her humanely,and then to cook the bird expertly.  After the class, you will be glad that the old hen is no spring chicken.

Following a farm tour of our poultry houses which show permaculture design principals,  we will demonstrate  a humane kill, de-feathering and a hand evisceration which harvests the extremely nutritious organs such as liver, heart , feet and  giblets.

We hope each student will  have a go at all  parts of the process , hence the limit of 6 students.
The chicken carcass will be prepared  for the pot.  As we butcher our hens, two will be simmering in the style of coq au vin for our lunch. We will show you how to create a wonderful chicken dish  based on bone broth , so rich in minerals essential for our  bone density and dental health. The exceptional raw dairy and vegetable produce of Merri Bee Organic Farm will fill out our meal. We believe your time and money to attend this class   will be repaid many fold  to you  over the years in delicious , cheap and nutritious meals .

Really hands on, really valuable!!

Thus equipped with the knowledge to harvest and cook a hen ( rooster or hen of any age really), you go home with the hen you butchered and various recipesfor slow cooked chicken. Each venerable hen  should provide  your family with at least 2 excellent meals at virtually no cost.
We do remember being very scared of this whole process and assure you it gets much easier as you begin to concentrate on the skills involved. Mastering  these  benefits the  hen in your hands and keeps your backyard poultry operation financially prosperous. As every farmer has to learn, there are very few  pets on a farm. . If you keep fowls even just for eggs, the truth is that  sometimes for humane reasons we need to know how to put a creature  “out of its misery” swiftly.

This day  will run  from 9.30  to 4 pm on a day to be decided by the group,in school  term 3,  2014.

Class attendance is limited to 6.

Tickets for the demonstration, hands-on instruction, reminder notes, meal and take home stock chicken are $175 per person. Please email me, Bee, to register your interest .
Please see our blog page “Payment Policies” here

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