We grow organic plants and animals for your permaculture. From house cows to garlic bulbs, we are working on it. As an avid gardener I use to spend a fortune at nurseries but I began to realise that the beautiful and abundant blooms in punnets and pots were achieved by a LOT of chemicals. Some seed dressing chemicals are so powerful that the pollen eventually produced several months after the seed is sown, kills bees! Not wanting any part of that, and being disappointed by the fact that those flower covered seedlings hardly ever survived a week in the garden, my obsessive plant buying shifted into flower seed purchase.
It may seem strange to spend time growing flowers, when food plants are more important, but joy and admiration of the natural world seems just as important these days. Anyway I have a few excuses to grow flowers : eg the Montdorensis mite breeds on Sweet Alice ( Alyssum) flowers and predates on spidermites which destroy my beans and pumpkins most years . Flowers attract and feed pollinating insects. And flowers attract people who may not have heard or appreciated the notion of Permaculture or organic growing……let’s address that on a farm tour.
Merri Bee Farmacy nursery is pleased to present some medicinal herbs , fodder plants, succulents, passionfruit vines, ornamentals and pollinator plants , all grown in pure compost in recycled pots . Let us know what your after . The list currently includes petunias, snap dragons, holly hocks, begonias, zygo cactus, cinerarias, several kinds of succulent, Aloe Arborescens, hyssop and lavender, rue, skullcap, cauliflower, ecinachea, shallots, garlic, seedlings of lettuce kale and fennel , hydrangea, variegated ivy, spider plant, fishbone fern, banner grass, bamboo, swedish ivy, honey locust, coprosma, yellow daisy bush, marigold, warrigal greens, thyme, oregano, peppermint ,coleus, purple wandering dew , succulents (too numerous to mention) stone pine, date palm, salvia and more.
Prices vary depending on compost volume and propagation difficulty. These plants are organic and reliable .
Hi we are thinking of coming to do your tour on the 15th. Do we need to buy tickets prior to the event? Also how long does the tour go for?
Many thanks