carob syrup ….discovery of the week

Do you ever fret that sugar is so energy intensive that we should not eat it, even if it was healthy? And we are  learning how very unhealthy is the high fructose corn syrup sweetener. This fructose is found in -well ,just about every processed food , especially fizzy drinks . The fructose corn stuff…

Soils for Life! Compost and compost tea workshop MAy 20 to 22 inclusive.

Through photosynthesis, plants convert CO2 into sugars to power growth.  Our planet Earth is perhaps named after the substance that all terrestrial life depends on, but that substance is being lost into the ocean at a rate of 75 billion tons per annum. However a good soil doesn’t readily blow or wash away, but then again it should…

Time to get the winter garden up and growing.

We just finished the Nannup Music Fest where we had a full on curry and smoothie stall, and what a great time it was.Caught up with lots of friends, flapped our gums for Steve Marsh, made some new friends and caught some wonderful talent on stage, was so nice to swing in the hammock and…

Formidable Vegetable Sounds

Hi All, Howz about you come on down to Nannup this long weekend for a funky good time? Been viewing the huge  line up of artists and Im so excited that not only my mate Ollie and his fabulous West African precussion band  TooBaBoo  will be playing but Charlie McGee and his formidable vegetable sound…

A Taste of Permaculture tour

A taste of permaculturetour  Sun October 17th   2014 from 10 am  to 3.30 pm.   Join Stew and Bee on Merri Bee Organic Farm,Sunday October 17th 2014 for an introduction to Permaculture . We will learn the principals of permaculture which make for a resilient comfortable life which cares for Earth and people. We will  take a wander through food…

Marsh versus Baxter – GM contamination on trial

Stewart looked after the farm so I could be at the Perth Supreme court  to watch the first day of proceedings in the Marsh versus Baxter case on February 10th. I was interviewed by the BBC in London the following day, so the eyes of the world are definitely on Western Australia right now. This…

Chicken soup day coming

 2014  Merri Bee Hen Harvest and Feast, Nannup Really hands on, really valuable!! The hen gives us eggs, which not unlike oxygen from trees, comprise the life breath of any homestead kitchen.  But that is not all she gives. Join us at Merri Bee Organic Farm as we receive her ultimate gift.  This class will equip you…

Student sign up and information

Student Signup Information and Policies Greetings, and thank you for your interest in Merri Bee Organic Farm’s permaculture classes. Below you will find all the“housekeeping” details of signing up for these events. Payment: We offer a few methods of payment for our classes. A netbank deposit or sending us a cheque . Please make all…

Raising chickens

4 week old pullets This morning we went into town to pick up our new laying fowls. They are only 1 day old so this is a case of the chicken  coming before the egg, about 6 months before in fact. So  much Delayed Gratification because a lot  expensive food and 22 weeks goes by…

Why I am not a vegan

Why I am not a vegan and how the planet needs us to take our place in the food chain It is said so often that “going vegan” is the best thing we can do for our health and the planet. Not True. In this talk I will  alert vegans to the health dangers of…