Category: Organics
Raw Honey from Merri Bee Organic Farmacy
There are places in the world where honey is revered for it’s medicinal qualities, and some types particularly so. Carob honey and Jujube or Sidr honey are 2 cases in point. It so happens that both are being produced on a wild and isolated permaculture in Nannup Western Australia. Tough carobs, olives and oaks were…
Perennial Pasture establishment
It’s time to think about the coming wet season, and growing a prairie. Why? Because prairies actually sequester more carbon than forests. Both are sorely needed and we humans must grow them to replace what we have destroyed and rebuild our soil resource, or go the way of the White Pointer. Prairies are amazingly diverse….
Merri Bee Farmacy’s Stew and Bee recognised as Environmental Champions!
The Conservation Council of Western Australia ( CCWA) is the state’s peak environmental group representing more than one hundred Member Groups throughout the state, as well as tens of thousands of individuals interested in protecting our environment in many ways…. from promoting renewable energy to the protection of native bushland and wildlife. CCWA Director Piers…
Why Organic?
Recently a young lady in year 11 emailed asking for help with a school project. I answered her written questions finally this morning, and here they are : What is the reason to go organic and what are the benefits? Aside from the having a safe living and working environment for my family, our animals…
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy
Two small properties in Western Australia, 10 hectares in Nannup ( the mythical town of “Seacliffe” in the movie “Drift”) and 20 hectares in Karridale, constitute Merri Bee Organic Farmacy. Operators Stewart Seesink and Bee Winfield are together creating a permaculture, a natural system of perennial abundance to satisfy human needs for food, shelter,…