The Conservation Council of Western Australia ( CCWA) is the state’s peak environmental group representing more than one hundred Member Groups throughout the state, as well as tens of thousands of individuals interested in protecting our environment in many ways…. from promoting renewable energy to the protection of native bushland and wildlife.
CCWA Director Piers Verstegen recognises that it is possible to farm while removing carbon pollution from the atmosphere, providing new jobs in the regions, and helping to protect wildlife and biodiversity, and says “Carbon farming is one of a range of opportunities for WA to become competitive in an emerging global clean economy. “
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy’s Stewart Seesink and Bee Winfield were extremely pleased to be recognised by CCWA recently, their names appearing on the CCWA Honours List of Environmental Champions for 2018 and 2019 respectively. The couple practice a number of soil building techniques including Agro forestry, swales, compost tea, composting of green waste (that would otherwise be burnt) , regenerative adaptive grazing of livestock, and fire retardent green shield plantings on their permaculture farms in Nannup and Karridale. They are active in sharing these ideas and practices in the wider community. Said Bee after receiving her award “Stew and I strive daily to make Merri Bee Organic Farmacy an ever more fertile example of Regenerative farming which demonstrates that organics can feed the world while healing both people and our land “

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I love that photo of you both!
Thanks Cath! Nannup chap Clint Conner of Notion Photography did get some nice snaps that day.