We grow organic plants and animals for your permaculture. From house cows to garlic bulbs, we are working on it. As an avid gardener I use to spend a fortune at nurseries but I began to realise that the beautiful and abundant blooms in punnets and pots were achieved by a LOT of chemicals. Some…
Tag: Permaculture
Multi Species pasture establishment and/or cover crop service
In late 2018 we purchased a small seeder which makes several 1 inch wide furrows in a paddock, deposits seed or seed mix in the furrow, covers and rolls in one pass. We then added a compost extract injection system to apply good biology to the soil around the seed. The beauty of the seeder…
carob syrup ….discovery of the week
Do you ever fret that sugar is so energy intensive that we should not eat it, even if it was healthy? And we are learning how very unhealthy is the high fructose corn syrup sweetener. This fructose is found in -well ,just about every processed food , especially fizzy drinks . The fructose corn stuff…