DAIRY, FOOD OR FOE ?Are we grown- ups meant to eat dairy food? This is a very controversial and multi-faceted question, and the best biological answer as always is “It depends”. The answer depends on whether the milk was produced organically or conventionally; on your genes and allergies as well as the state of your…

Merri Bee Organic Farmacy Nursery

We grow organic plants and animals for your permaculture. From house cows to garlic bulbs, we are working on it. As an avid gardener I use to spend a fortune at nurseries but I began to realise that the beautiful and abundant blooms in punnets and pots were achieved by a LOT of chemicals. Some…

When you follow soil health principles

Expect results. In late march we made wicking beds out of 2 ex olive drums, filled them with a foot of good compost and planted them with tiny seedlings. 6 weeks later we were harvesting salads and beets. Blessed with some rain in May after literally 7 months without a drop. 2 weeks later this…

Cell Grazing

Cell grazing is the practice of keeping livestock tightly bunched and moving. It is different to the usual practice of “set stocking”, where (say) 20 animals are left in a large paddock all year round. Under set stocking the animals will roam around and eat their favourite plants to death while ignoring less palatable plants,…

Rabbit Fricassee

What do you call this love??    RABBIT. How to make Rabbit Fricassee.     Or….getting your own back when Peter Rabbit eats all your carrot tops off .  This is an example of a GAPS meal suitable for stage one of Intro and all the way to full GAPS. All ingredients must be organic…. this is a…

Save the Yarragadee

“All governments are only interested in centralised control ” Bill Mollison The Water Corporation want to increase the water they pump from the Yarragadee by a factor of 3. They dont know what this will do to shallow aquifers, forest, rivers and surface water. “The  Warren Blackwood regional water supply scheme, historically relied on independent…

Raw Honey from Merri Bee Organic Farmacy

There are places in the world where honey is revered for it’s medicinal qualities, and some types particularly so. Carob honey and Jujube or Sidr honey are 2 cases in point. It so happens that both are being produced on a wild and isolated permaculture in Nannup Western Australia. Tough carobs, olives and oaks were…

It’s Crunch Time.

I recently qualified as a certified GAPS coach, but for 37 years our farm in Nannup has been increasing diversity in the plant, animal and fungal worlds whilst continuously building living soil. We believe health is Mother Nature’s laws obeyed and we champion a healthy environment, freedom and a healthy democracy. We grow organic, raw,…

It’s May !

Harvest season .  Some wonderful early rain in a few big doses but long warm spells in between has the farm looking lovely. We are all dealing with so much these days, hope you enjoy these scenes from the Farmacy . May is the month that Fuerte avos can be picked, and hooray for them….