Expect results. In late march we made wicking beds out of 2 ex olive drums, filled them with a foot of good compost and planted them with tiny seedlings. 6 weeks later we were harvesting salads and beets. Blessed with some rain in May after literally 7 months without a drop. 2 weeks later this…
Category: Farming
Cell Grazing
Cell grazing is the practice of keeping livestock tightly bunched and moving. It is different to the usual practice of “set stocking”, where (say) 20 animals are left in a large paddock all year round. Under set stocking the animals will roam around and eat their favourite plants to death while ignoring less palatable plants,…
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy meets Japanese students
None of the young ones had ever struck a match and after some time a volunteer came forward to have a go.
Raised garden beds: Huglekulture instead of burning fallen trees and branches. Hugelkulture instead of irrigation.
Huglekulture. For if you have piles of dead tree wood lying around and want to clear it away. Hugle kulture is a creative and productive use for it than burning it into ash and particulate matter and toxins in the air. If you prefer to grow food with less irrigation and create shady and sheltered…
Perennial Pasture establishment
It’s time to think about the coming wet season, and growing a prairie. Why? Because prairies actually sequester more carbon than forests. Both are sorely needed and we humans must grow them to replace what we have destroyed and rebuild our soil resource, or go the way of the White Pointer. Prairies are amazingly diverse….
Merri Bee Farmacy’s Stew and Bee recognised as Environmental Champions!
The Conservation Council of Western Australia ( CCWA) is the state’s peak environmental group representing more than one hundred Member Groups throughout the state, as well as tens of thousands of individuals interested in protecting our environment in many ways…. from promoting renewable energy to the protection of native bushland and wildlife. CCWA Director Piers…
Veganism is preventing wide spread adoption of regenerative grazing, the most effective action on climate change.
Just WHAT is going on? My social circle is polarized and the subject is almost banned as too touchy. The nicest people I know have been sucked in by simplistic vegan propaganda.The way out of climate change, desertification, biodiversity loss, and growing enough food to nourish a burgeoning population is clear. It’s called regenerative agriculture,…
Multi Species pasture establishment and/or cover crop service
In late 2018 we purchased a small seeder which makes several 1 inch wide furrows in a paddock, deposits seed or seed mix in the furrow, covers and rolls in one pass. We then added a compost extract injection system to apply good biology to the soil around the seed. The beauty of the seeder…
Why Organic?
Recently a young lady in year 11 emailed asking for help with a school project. I answered her written questions finally this morning, and here they are : What is the reason to go organic and what are the benefits? Aside from the having a safe living and working environment for my family, our animals…